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Vocalist, Actress
Entertainer, Producer
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Welcome to the
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Vocalist, Actress
Entertainer, Producer
and Entrepreneur
Welcome to the
Official Website of
Vocalist, Actress
Entertainer, Producer
and Entrepreneur

Sheryl Renee

Welcome to the Official Website
of Vocalist, Producer, Actress, Entertainer and Entrepreneur.
Powerful, traditionally-crafted melody, in pure Acapella voice, with musical tracks or with various instruments.
Have performed the Star Spangled Banner for:
President Barack Obamas signing of the 2009 Economic Stimulus Bill, Colorado Mayor John Hickenlooper's State of the City Address, John Elway's Colorado Crush AFL Football Team's entire 2003 Season. Denver Nuggets, Colorado Rockies, Denver Broncos, Bandimere Speedway, The Globetrotters, Bill Picket Invitational Rodeo, Colorado Rapids, Pepsi Center, Denver University Hockey, Atlanta Braves, Atlanta Hawks, 1996 Olympic Game festivities and many ceremonies and countless corporate events.
Also Lift Every Voice and Sing, God Bless America, the Canadian National Anthem and more...
"Presidential Seal Of Approval"
Sheryl was honored to be selected to perform the National Anthem for President Barack Obama at the signing of the 2009 Economic Stimulus Bill, in Denver, CO!
Kobe Bryant Tribute/ Denver Nuggets
Jan 26, 2020, 30 min before I was to sing the Anthem, we got the news that Kobe Bryant had died in a helicopter crash. After their wonderful tribute, I stepped up to sing with the energy of 15,000 hurting, shocked mourning souls. I did my best and thank God for placing me there.